Customer Success Enablement is the next major forefront to operationalize, scale, and drive business value within Customer Success. by Will Buckingham
About This Blog and its Author
As Customer Success continues to grow at light-speed pace, an ever-increasing demand and need for Customer Success Operations has been created. As the discipline of CS Operations evolves and develops, the functions within CS Operations have become clearer. While Customer Success Enablement was once an afterthought of the CS Operations team, it is now becoming a clear and needed function within and/or along side CS Operations.
During my journey in SaaS, I've done sales, reactive retention, customer success, enterprise account management, and now customer success operations & enablement. In my own attempt to learn more about CS Enablement, I found there was little to no resources on the subject. So instead of waiting for someone else, I decided I'd create the resource myself as I go about my own journey of delivering CS Enablement.
It goes without saying that I do not have all the answers - in fact, I don't even have most of the answers. I am simply on my own journey of discovering and refining CS Enablement. By sharing it here, I hope to A) challenge my own learning and strategy, B) help others refine their CS Enablement practice, and C) learn from those of you who connect with this content and myself.
Do I have all the answers? Not even close.
Am I learning those answers every day? Absolutely.
I hope my content helps your journey as you tackle enabling your team to drive customer success.
- William Buckingham